Virtual Meeting
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Virtual Meeting 1070318 AOCNR and SNR 2018 1070319 Mon
Lectures at Plenary Hall on March 19: Afternoon Sessions (13:00-17:30) 
Anne Osborn / Michael Huckman / Luc Picard / Ovid Tzeng
[1] (13:00-14:00) PL003: (Anne Osborn) Incracranial Psedotumors: Making Sense of their Maddening Mystery // [2] (15:50-16:30) SNR Opening Ceremony // [3] (16:30-17:30) PL004: 1. (Michael Huckman) 5 minutes speech on behalf of the Neuroradiological communities of North America / 2. (Luc Picard) Neuroscience / 3. (Ovid Tzeng) Reading Brains Across Scripts: Universality Principle and Interactive Specialization